What To Expect

If you’ve never had a reading done before you may not know what to expect and may be a little nervous or anxious, believe it or not this is acatually very natural and quite common, it is in my opinion that most people get nervous because they don’t know what to expect, this is fear of the unknown, I am here to inform you and help put you at ease, so that when you do come in, you can focus on what’s important to you, getting answers & the direction you need we are here to help and guide you to your desired outcome, by providing you with that insight. Remember we want you to get the answer’s you need, here at Psychic Om our readers take their job and you seriously, we will not say or do anything to frighten or scare you, so relax don’t be afraid. Relaxing will also help the energy flow better between you and your reader, which means a better session for you overall.

Reader/Client Confidentiality

When you come in your reader  will geet  you and introduce themselves. 

Once your choice of reading has been  selected sit back and enjoy your reading, and get the insight you desire. Our readers are compassionate and ethical, your reading will also be direct and to the point no sugarcoating.

Once you are seated and made  comfortable your reader will go over the options of readings and will help guide you in your choice of reading that would be most attuned to your situation,  guide you in some people come in and know exactly what they want, but remember we are more than happy to help guide you. 

When you come in your reader will greet you and introduce themselves.