Psychic Om is world renowned and voted by their clients as most trusted for their honest, accurate and compassionate readers.

Honest , Accurate and Compassionate Readers.
True & Revealing Answers

Don’t Let The Future Surprise You Take Control of Your Destiny

Over 40 years of experience.
Love , Money , Dreams , Business , Marriage , Career , Success, Relationships , Family , Friendships
Specializing in All Matters that Concern Your Heart & Mind
Do You Have Questions About Your Past Present or Future ?

At Psychic Om A Reading With Ms. Diana Rose or Ms. Xandra will Provide You Insight & Answers into Any & All Aspects of Your Life , so You Can Make Informed Decisions About Where to Go or What to Do Next. No Matter What Area of Your Life Your Looking to Improve or Need Answers On.

Your reading will be a straight forward , honest uplifting and positive experience, filled with answers and guidance

Psychic Readings

Diana Rose specializes in seeing the past, present, and especially the future using many different methods answering your questions such as; What will happen in my love life? What will happen with my career? She has over 40 years experience in providing professional intuitive guidance to people all over the world. Many of her very first clients still use her guidance to this day! Because Diana Rose has the answers. For the most powerful and insightful reading contact the world renowned Psychic Om, our client list is a testament to out accuracy and love for our customers.

Tarot Card Readings

Not everyone is qualified to read tarot cards. Diana Rose’s tarot cards are over 20 years old and she has accurately predicted thousands of important questions for her beloved clients for over 35 years. This is why there is often a waiting list to get a personal appointment. This is hands down the most popular reading. Call (832) 656-2541 to schedule your tarot card reading, and get answers today.

Palm Readings

Palm readings are just another type of reading to answer your more general questions. such as, will I marry? How many children will I have ? Will I be successful? This is a great starting point If this your first time getting a reading. Call Diana for your palm reading.

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Aura Readings

Aura readings analyze the energies emanating from the body. This includes a chakra evaluation that can determine the health of the body and soul. You may be in need of an aura reading if you are feeling stressed, tired or feel you are out of balance. Auras can only be seen and evaluated by a third eye visionary. Contact Diana Rose for a detailed aura reading and evaluation.

Crystal Ball Gazing

Crystal Ball gazing is a form of scrying which is an ancient technique of gazing into one’s future. Diana Rose uses her abilities to visually look at your future with images, movies, symbols. Other forms of scrying techniques used are water and smoke readings, and tea leaf readings. These readings are a powerful and effective way to see into your present and future. Your answers await you, call today!

Vibrational Sound Healing

Laws of the universe tells us that nothing rests, everything moves everything vibrates, therefore, the whole universe is a vibration. Science confirms that everything in the universe including you, are pure energy vibrating at different frequencies. Everything you experience with your five physical senses is conveyed through vibrational energy, your emotions are vibrations, your thoughts are energy. Diana Rose can evaluate and interpret these vibrations to help you learn to control your


Body & Soul

Our readers are natural born gifted intuitive psychic shaman and are experts in their fields, they are well loved and trusted by their clients who come and call  from many different parts of the world to consult with them, they are experts in the spiritual world and Masters in their field they offer answers and solutions.

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